Who is the most appropriate professional for your care?
Please consider what the best options for your healthcare are, based on the urgency of your condition and nature of your ailment. General Practice work in conjunction with other Primary Care providers such as Opticians and Pharmacists, who can deliver advice and treatment within the Community, so make sure you get to see the right person, at the right time, in the right place.
This may save you time in getting the help you need and avoid arranging an unnecessary appointment with your Doctor.
Have you tried self-care

A range of common illnesses can be treated at home, for example:
- Upset stomach
- Cuts and grazes
- Colds and sore throats
- Headache
- Hay-fever
There is a wide variety of helpful Self Care information and resources which could help you to treat your illness without the need for an appointment:
Pharmacy First – get immediate help from your local pharmacy
Visit a pharmacy for healthcare advice

Your local pharmacist is able to help with minor cuts, sprains, aches and pains, colds and flu, headaches, rashes, cystitis, emergency contraceptive (most pharmacies now offer this service) and other common conditions.
It is estimated that every year, 50 million visits to the GP are made for minor ailments such as coughs and colds, mild eczema, and athlete’s foot. By visiting your pharmacy instead, you could save yourself time and trouble.
Pharmacy First offers advice for common minor illnesses, such as those above, and the Pharmacist can provide some medicines free of charge if they think you need them. You don’t usually need an appointment and many pharmacies are open in the evening or at weekends.
Treat Yourself Better
We support the campaign to encourage people to self-treat minor ailments such as colds and flu. The Treat Yourself Better Without Antibiotics website is full of information to help people understand when how long they can expect their symptoms to last for, when they need to see a doctor and when they would be better off visiting their local pharmacist for advice.
Get immediate help for Minor Injuries
Minor Injuries – Call MIA

If you have a minor injury Call MIA on 111 at any time
They can help with injuries which have happened within the last 7 days, such as strains and sprains; wounds and minor burns; minor bumps to head and face; insect bites and stings.
This service is for adults and children aged over 18 months
Ear syringing at CTAC
Community Treatment and Care (CTAC) Service

Ear syringing is now done by the CTAC service at Pennywell All Care Centre – phone 0131 537 7205 to arrange.
Wound care is also offered at the CTAC but you need to be referred by one of our Practice Nurses.
Dental problems
It is important that you register with a dentist for routine care and help with dental problems. If you have a dental emergency, your registered dental practice can advise and provide treatment, including antibiotics, if needed.

There is a dentist at 2 Macmillan Square – call 0131 315 2666
If you are not registered with a dentist and and you require emergency treatment, call the dental advice service on 0131 536 4800, or out of hours call 111.
Dental emergencies are acute dental pain, facial or oral swelling, trauma or bleeding from the mouth.
Community Link Workers
Community Link Workers

Link workers are based in the surgery and provide extra support to patients.
- Are you recently bereaved?
- Have you experienced a break up or change in your family?
- Have you lost your job or retired?
- Are you a carer?
- Do you experience mental ill health or stress?
- Do you feel isolated or alone?
The Link workers can:
- identify existing support such as local groups and services
- agree practical goals and the support you need to achieve these goals
- accompany you to support services until a strong link is made
Doctors, nurses and patients coordinators can refer you to the Link Workers, who will talk with you, listen to your concerns and discuss what you want to change in your life.
Mental health and crisis support

If you are experiencing mental health concerns you may be offered an appointment with our mental health nurse who is based at the surgery.
Breathing Space may also be able to offer information and support – you can call them on 0800 83 85 87 or visit their website.
Crisis support
If you need urgent mental health support you can contact the Mental Health Assessment Service on 0131 286 8137 at any time.
Alternatively you can contact the Crisis Centre on Freephone 0808 801 0414 or email [email protected]
Drug and alcohol support
Change Grow Live North West Recovery Service

Support for drug/alcohol users and those affected by someone else’s substance use.
Craigroyston Health Centre, 1B Pennywell Road, Edinburgh, EH4 4PH
Call: 0131 469 5044
Stop smoking support
For help to stop smoking contact Quit Your Way Edinburgh on 0131 286 5113 or Scotland’s National Helpline on 0800 84 84 84
Money and benefits advice

Benefits Advice Service
Granton Information Centre can check that you are getting your correct entitlement of benefits and tax credits and assist you in making new claims, help you to appeal wrong decisions and provide representation at tribunals when appropriate. An advisor from Granton Information Centre is at the surgery on Monday and Wednesday afternoons and at Pennywell All Care Centre on Friday mornings. You can make an appointment by phoning reception.
For enquiries about the service, please phone 0131 536 1627

The Podiatry service assesses and treats problems with the feet and lower limbs.
You can request assistance from the Podiatry service by completing an application form
If you think you need a home visit you must be referred by your GP or District Nurse.
Social Care

Phone Social Care Direct on 0131 200 2324 or in an emergency outwith office hours phone 0800 731 6969. If you need a Blue Badge you can apply online or phone 0131 469 3891.
Eye problems
Community Optician

Whatever your eye problem your first port of call should be an Optician. They can assess and treat most eye problems and can refer you to hospital if necessary.
The Optician closest to Muirhouse Medical Group is Pennywell Opticians, at 41A Pennywell Road, call 0131 332 0387.
Alternatively find a local Optician in your area (once you are linked to the NHS Inform page, select your local Health Board or local Authority to find an Optician near you).
Self-help guide: Eye problems
Find out more about your eye problems, when you can use self-care, and what to do if your condition worsens and you need medical help
If your optician is closed and you can’t wait until it reopens call NHS24 on 111.
If you sustain an eye injury that requires immediate emergency treatment go to your nearest Accident and Emergency.
Sexual Health
Sexual Health

Local pharmacies are able to provide FREE emergency contraception. Free condoms are available from Reception of Muirhouse Medical Group.
NHS Lothian’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Service
Chalmers Sexual Health Centre is located on the corner of Lauriston Place and Chalmers Street
For appointments and advice call: 0131 536 1070 or book online
A range of services are available at the Chalmers Centre including:
- Contraception – advice and supplies including free condoms
- Emergency contraception
- Sexual health advice
- STI testing and treatment
- Help with HIV including Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP)
- Pregnancy testing, advice and support
- Referral for termination of pregnancy
- Help with menopause and Premenstrual syndrome
- Gay men’s clinics
- Young people’s clinics
- Support following sexual assault
There is also a Sexual Health Clinic at Pennywell All Care Centre – for appointments phone 0131 536 1070
Muscle and joint problems

If you have a muscle or joint problem you may be offered an appointment with our Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioner. They can provide assessment and advice and if necessary they will refer you for further tests, for example an x-ray. They can also refer you for further physiotherapy treatment if they think you need it.