Pregnancy & young children

Antenatal Care

When you first learn that you’re pregnant, get in touch with a midwife or GP as soon as possible. Ideally this should be by 10 weeks of your pregnancy.

Antenatal clinics run at both our surgeries through the week.  Your midwife will arrange appointments with you for this clinic. 

To arrange antenatal care either contact reception at Muirhouse Medical Group to arrange an appointment with your usual doctor or telephone 0131 536 2009 to arrange a midwife appointment.

Once you have been referred to a midwife you can contact them on 0131 286 5030.

Child Immunisation and development Clinics

You will be send appointments for child immunisation and development checks.

Please make sure that your contact details (address and phone number) are kept up to date at the surgery so that you receive these appointments.

NHS Inform provides further details on all aspects of antenatal care.